Wednesday, August 09, 2006

EL Expression / Scriptlet "switching"

<% pageContext.setAttribute("x", "33"); %> x'= x''= <%= pageContext.getAttribute("x") %>

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fractal Recursion

... may this be a recursion following fractal rules? "... fractal ... denotes a shape that is recursively constructed or self similar ..." "... fractal ... a shape that appears similar at all scales of magnification ..." [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] " ... recursion specifies ... and then defining rules to break down complex cases into simpler cases ... " [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] "For example, the following is a recursive definition of person's ancestors:
  • One's parents are one's ancestors (base case);
  • The parents of any ancestor are also ancestors of the person under consideration (recursion step)."
[Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,] If the breakdown rules follows the laws of fractal shapes you will come up to a second level recursion or a fractal recursion. "... It’s an infinite spiraling curvature of double helix around their coherent line of symmetry in its center (gravity of space/time), which is in its turn coiled in its own frame of reference; hence one of two equal and opposite spirals of double/helix within/without a double helix. It has no beginning and end, because the only beginning and end of all its fractal recursions is right here and now. All infinity of exponentially larger and smaller curvatures (light speed difference) begins and ends here and now. ..." [] "A Fractal Theory of the Origin and Meaning of the Universe ... The fractal recursion ... is obvious. " [] I listed here some statements on different kinds of the phenomena of fractal recursion. None of this are my personal opinions on this topic. The interesing is that in some views recursion and fractal laws seem to have an evident influence or are influenced to see the world.