Using Open Street Map .osm Data and BaseX with REST services
- Copy the BaseX77.war into your prefered WebContainer (e.g. JBoss7)
- Modify the web.xml
- Download .osm data and load the the .osm data as parts (e.g. split them with osmosis)
- Use XPath or XQuery over REST for your information needs
Add the following to the web.xml:
Add in your command line (or script):
curl -i -X PUT http://admin:admin@
curl -i -X PUT -T "austria.part1.osm" http://admin:admin@
curl -i -X PUT -T "austria.part2.osm" http://admin:admin@
curl -i -X GET
curl -i -X GET
Worked fine with the paramters -Xms512m -Xmx 1024m for the following dabase size:
Database Properties:
Name: osmdb
Size: 7407 MB
Nodes: 355247222
Documents: 588
For testing query your oms-xml database by entering an URL to your browser returning the waypoins of a nice place:
$way in /osm/way,
$node in /osm/node
$way/tag[@k="name"][@v="Michaelerplatz"] and
return $node
This query is back in about 3 minutes, the below optimized query is back in about 8 milisecons.
$way in /osm/way,
$node in /osm/node
$way/tag/@v="Michaelerplatz" and
return $node|$way
This will be optimized by BaseX to
for $way in db:attribute("osmdb", "Michaelerplatz")/self::v/parent::tag/parent::*:way
for $node in db:attribute("osmdb", $way/nd/@ref)/self::id/parent::*:node
return (($node union $way))